Get Started with CubeMaster REST API

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1. Sign up

Create a new free account if you haven't sign up.

Sign Up/In

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2. Get an API key

Generate it in the Settings - Integration.

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3. Run Samples

Just play your sample code in the sandbox.

Go to Sandbox

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4. Learn More about API

Swagger Help and Reference Guide is available.

More information about CubeMaster REST API

Building a pallet load by CubeMaster API

Building a truckload by CubeMaster API

Get Started with CubeMaster SOAP Web Service

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1. Setup Account

Create a new free account

Create Account

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2. Download Samples

Samples available for consuming CubeMaster web service

C#, Java, and PHP Apps

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3. Modify Samples

Replace the account information with yours.

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4. Run Samples

Just run your sample code and you will see how they work.