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AI powered load building algorithm

Use 5 ~ 20% fewer truck, container or pallet loads by using cubemaster!

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CubeMaster Online is being used by world-wide users in a daily mission-critical job.

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Cloud API for seamless integration

Perfect solutions to integrate CubeMaster Online to your application - ERP, WMS & SAP.

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CubeMaster Online is a cloud application that enables building optimal load plans for cartons, pallets, and vehicles with teams and your customers who work together in different areas.

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Extensive Vehicle Types

Select from a variety of trailers, sea container including Open Top, Goose-Neck, Center-Beam, Railcar and Flat Rack special equipment.

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Multiple Cargo Types

Shipcase, roll, full single pallet load and mixed pallet load are placed in the trucks and sea containers.                                                

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User DeĀ­finable ULD

The air container and air pallet can be modified and customized for your special size and shape in addition to standard database.

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Multiple Stacking Rules

CubeMaster uses a system of rules to control how cargo can be stacked, ensuring safety, stability, and efficient use of space. Basic Stacking: General guidelines and limitations for stacking cargo. Specific Stacking: CubeMaster allows for more detailed stacking rules to be defined in the database to manage how different types of cargo can be stacked on top of each other.

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Multiple Stops Loading

The system automatically determines the loading order of the stops to maximize space utilization within the containers. This can be important for multi-stop routes where certain cargo needs to be unloaded first.

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Sequential & Priority Loading

When defining sea containers, trucks, or pallets, there's a "Seq." field. This field allows you to specify the order in which these units should be filled. It also gives you the ability to prioritize and control the order in which loading calculations are performed and the units are filled within CubeMaster.

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Multiple Mixload Goals

Revolves around optimizing the loading process for containers with a variety of cargo types, focusing on factors like space, volume, weight, and container availability. The following goals are available - Quantities and Sequences are limited, Empty spaces are minimized, Space utilization maximized, Load volume maximized, Weight utilization maximized.

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Balancing Control

Helps optimize the use of container space and weight capacity, leading to more efficient and cost-effective shipping by improving the distribution of weight and volume across containers in a load. Purpose: To distribute the weight and volume of items evenly across all containers, preventing any single container from becoming overloaded or significantly underutilized. Application: The balancing rule can be applied to the entire load or specifically to the last loaded container.

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Palletizing before loading trucks/trailers

Palletizing is the process of arranging and securing cargo items on a pallet for efficient handling, storage, and transportation. CubeMaster's palletizing feature allows users to create palletized loads within a vehicle (sea container or truck). It increases efficiency in loading and unloading, reduces damage to cargo during transport, improves safety for workers and optimizes space utilization in containers and trucks.

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