SAP Integration with CubeMaster API

Step 1: Prerequisites
  • Ensure you have a CubeMaster API Key. Sign up at CubeMaster.
  • Obtain SAP system access with the required authorizations.
  • Familiarity with SAP BTP (Business Technology Platform) and ABAP programming.

Before writing the ABAP code, review the CubeMaster API documentation to understand:

  • The endpoints you need to call (e.g.,
  • The authentication method.
  • The request/response format (e.g., JSON).
  • Any required headers or query parameters.
Step 2: Set Up HTTP Destination in SAP

Create an HTTP destination in SAP using Transaction Code: SM59.

  • Destination Name: Z_CUBEMASTER_API
  • Target Host:
  • Service No.: 443 (for HTTPS)
Step 3: Write ABAP Code to Call the API

Below is the ABAP code to call the /loads endpoint using the POST method.

REPORT z_cubemaster_api_create_load.

DATA: lo_http_client TYPE REF TO if_http_client,
      lv_url         TYPE string,
      lv_response    TYPE string,
      lv_status      TYPE i,
      lv_token       TYPE string VALUE 'YOUR_API_KEY', " Replace with your token
      lv_json_input  TYPE string,
      lv_json_output TYPE string.


  " Define the API endpoint
  lv_url = ''. " Endpoint to create a new load

  " Create HTTP client
  CALL METHOD cl_http_client=>create_by_url
      url                = lv_url
      client             = lo_http_client
      argument_not_found = 1
      plugin_not_active  = 2
      internal_error     = 3
      OTHERS             = 4.

  IF sy-subrc <> 0.
    WRITE: / 'Error creating HTTP client'.

  " Set request method (POST)
  lo_http_client->request->set_method( 'POST' ).

  " Set headers
    name  = 'TokenID'
    value = lv_token ). " Add the api token

    name  = 'Content-Type'
    value = 'application/json' ).

  " Prepare JSON payload for the request body
  lv_json_input = '{    
    "Title": "New Mixed Truck Load",
    "Description": "Hello Web API",
    "Cargoes": [
            "Name": "ITEM001",
            "Length": 72,
            "Width": 30,
            "Height": 75,
            "Weight": 1002.45,
            "OrientationsAllowed": "OrientationsAll",
            "TurnAllowedOnFloor": false,
            "Qty": 16,
            "ColorKnownName": "Brown"
            "Name": "ITEM002",
            "Length": 27.31,
            "Width": 37.5,
            "Height": 76.67,
            "Weight": 521.45,
            "OrientationsAllowed": "OrientationsAll",
            "TurnAllowedOnFloor": false,
            "Qty": 28,
            "ColorKnownName": "Aqua"
            "Name": "SKU0005",
            "Length": 27.31,
            "Width": 9.5,
            "Height": 75.67,
            "Weight": 501.45,
            "OrientationsAllowed": "OrientationsAll",
            "TurnAllowedOnFloor": true,
            "Qty": 24,
            "ColorKnownName": "Beige"
            "Name": "SKU0005",
            "Qty": 23
            "Name": "SKU0008",
            "Qty": 34
    "Containers": [
            "VehicleType": "Dry",
            "Name": "53FT-Intermodal",
            "Length": 630,
            "Width": 98,
            "Height": 106,
            "ColorKnownName": "Blue"
    "Rules": {
        "IsWeightLimited": true,
        "IsSequenceUsed": false,
        "FillDirection": "FrontToRear",
        "CalculationType": "MixLoad"
  " Replace the JSON payload with the actual structure required by the CubeMaster API

  " Set the request body
  lo_http_client->request->set_cdata( lv_json_input ).

  " Send the request
  CALL METHOD lo_http_client->send
      http_communication_failure = 1
      http_invalid_state         = 2
      http_processing_failed     = 3
      OTHERS                     = 4.

  IF sy-subrc <> 0.
    WRITE: / 'Error sending request'.

  " Receive the response
  CALL METHOD lo_http_client->receive
      http_communication_failure = 1
      http_invalid_state         = 2
      http_processing_failed     = 3
      OTHERS                     = 4.

  IF sy-subrc <> 0.
    WRITE: / 'Error receiving response'.

  " Get the response status
  lv_status = lo_http_client->response->get_status( ).

  " Get the response data
  lv_response = lo_http_client->response->get_cdata( ).

  " Display the response
  WRITE: / 'Status:', lv_status.
  WRITE: / 'Response:', lv_response.

  " Parse JSON response (optional)
      DATA(lo_json) = /ui2/cl_json=>generate( json = lv_response ).
      DATA(lt_data) = lo_json->get_data( ).
      WRITE: / 'Parsed JSON Data:', lt_data.
    CATCH cx_root INTO DATA(lx_error).
      WRITE: / 'Error parsing JSON:', lx_error->get_text( ).
Step 4: Test the Program

Run the program in Transaction Code: SE38 and check the output for the API response.

Use Transaction Code: SE80 to debug the program if necessary.

Test the API Using Postman

Before integrating the API into SAP, you can test it using Postman to ensure it works as expected.

  1. Open Postman: - Launch Postman and create a new request.
  2. Set Request Method: - Select POST as the request method.
  3. Enter the URL: - Enter the API endpoint:
  4. Set Headers: - Add the following headers:
    • TokenID: YOUR_API_KEY
    • Content-Type: application/json
  5. Set Request Body: - Go to the Body tab, select raw, and enter the JSON payload:
      "title": "New Load Plan",
      "cargoes": [
          "name": "Boxes",
          "length": 1.2,
          "width": 1.2,
          "height": 1.0,
          "weight": 100,
          "qty": 50
  6. Send the Request: - Click Send to execute the request.
  7. Check the Response: - Verify the response status code (e.g., 201 Created) and the response body.
Step 5: Handle Errors

Check the lv_status variable for HTTP status codes (e.g., 201 for created, 400 for bad request).

Use a TRY...CATCH block to handle exceptions during JSON parsing.

Step 6: Deploy and Monitor

  • Deploy API integration to SAP production environment.
  • Monitor logs and troubleshoot using SAP Cloud Integration tools.